Thursday, December 24, 2009


曾有个作家说过:“人民过着西洋情人节不知道Valentine是什么,化装游行又不清楚Carnival的意义何在;吃火鸡达产不明白要对谁感恩; 耶诞狂欢又没有任何宗教的反思, 凡节庆都必定联系着宗教文化的渊源;将别人的节庆拿过来,有如把人家的祖宗牌位接来祭拜, 与不知为何祭拜。


Saturday, June 20, 2009

My best friend's wedding

Today is a very special day to my very best friend, Ms Phua Lee Choo (Ops! she should be called as Madam Phua..haha!!) . She registered with Yi Ling, her devote lover at 1pm, MCA buidling.

I'm really happy for her... I'm not sure how a woman feel when she has signed on the agreement. Well I really can't imagine myself in that situation, Ha!Ha!! (Just kidding)

She smiled beautiful from 1pm until 2.30pm.(when the R.O.M ended) No make up, no flower, everything is simple just like her character, the whole procedure was short and a bit rushed.

In fact, I was blurred at that time, everything went so fast, I had yet to set my camera, not in a good position to capture the very moment. The worst was my camera is low batt .... Walao... How can like that??? But somehow I still managed to capture some of their movement. (as Joo Li has send her orders to me, Mei Feng and Yong Zhao don't worry, I had send her your very best wished to her as you required)

Finally the moment end and my tasks required by all my friends had completed. (pheww....I hoped I didn't miss any.)

Let's talk about her,

I knew her since my primary six, but we were not close, maybe just a hi, bye friend. Then we went to different secondary school, we lost contact since then. But we met again when we were in Form 6. then we become best friends and we even named ourselved as "F9" because they are 9 of us, a bunch of crazy girls, who always hang out together, share our happy and sad... I really miss the 2 years form 6 life.

She is quiet, soft spoke and gentle, a steroetype girl that man will like to have, but don't deceive by her outlook, she is not weak but very brave to fight back any setback; She is determined, when she made her decision, she acts fast like a wind.. when she was angry, she looked scary, (luckly i never experienced that, I just heard about that, considered it as a dingdong story).

I still remember when she worked in Muar, we always hang out, discussed about our romance, our future and everything. Times flies, she has found her special one to share with, I am no longer needed. I feel a bit lost. But I still happy for her..

Well, I really think Lee Choo has choosed the right life partner, Mr. Yi Ling, although her ROM news might be too sudden for us to respond (as I only received her invitation on Thursday). But no matter how or no matter what, I still think that he is the right man to her. A man can really protect her and love her with everything his has. My eyes told me that he is an endanger species (haha!! good man = endanger species, left not many in the world hard to get one!)

I'm want to record down this special moment in my blog for my very best friend, Lee Choo. I love you, my friend and I want to send my very best regards to you.

The video was taken during their vows that would protect their loves and marriage forever..

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


好久都没在这里留言了!!太忙了!! 忙到自己在忙什么自己也不知道?! 可谓是穷忙族!

那天和朋友聊天喝茶时, 谈到活在当下的话题。。我在想现代的人真的都好像都只活在当下。。没有好好的规划自己的未来!!

今天不知明天事, 正是为何人们只抱有活在当下.. 在经济方面,很多人都好像是如此!!正是为何有很多穷忙族!!我好像也是其中一个!

我不喜欢活在当下, 我有好多事要做.. 有好多梦要在未来实现!!活在当下好像是给就快死掉的人的想法!!所以我要活在不只当下, 也要活在未来。。。一起展望未来吧!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Just friend..!!

We met again on last Friday night..

The only day that you are free for us to meet. I know if I said reject to meet you on that day, that will take longer time for us to meet. I wish to meet you so I didn't reject you although I'm very tired after the dancing class.

I've been asking you. "Why only Friday?" You just smiled and said nothing.

Why only Friday? Can I just considered myself as "Friday coffee mate" to you?

I've been thinking who am I to you? A Friday coffee mate, a friend to fill in your free time or what else? Well I know this is a question that I don't wish to know the answer. But I still text you that night! You told me not to complicate our relationship, we are friend after all...

"We are friend".. Well I should have know this answer long time ago but I just refused to face it. I still been imagined a lot of possibilities.. But the answer has crashed my imagination.

At first I've been thinking, why I would be attracted by you? Your background? Your qualification? Your looks? But now I realized it's you the one I like nothing to do with that...

However, I think this should be an end to us, which I should do it earlier, which I have known the ending earlier.

I'm alright! I told myself don;t worry you will be fine...I don't feel anything at all.. I should never hope for anything from you. Its truth that I'm not hurt at all, I have no tear but my heart is crying.. I don't feel pain because my heart has stopped beating...

I don't feel anything...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

2 days 1 night on boat experienced.. Woah..!!!

23-24 March 2009...

Well, after a day in Hanoi, we started our journey to Halong Bay..

After almost 4 hours journey, we waited for boarding to the boat. We are going to stay on the boat..Yeah, an extraordinary experience!!

But what kind of boat we stayed?? Oh.. that is the boat... hmm.. Hopefully I can meet my "Jack" there.. Hahaha!!Dreaming in the morning !!Bad thing wor...

Halong Bay= Natural wonder of the world.. I'm here!!!

This is those rock in the caves.. Well I don't really know how to appreciate it as I think it almost like those caves in Malaysia.. But since these are the attractive scenery so I just enjoyed..

The night in Halong bay.. When the sea is so calm and peaceful.. So windy and the surrounding is so magnificent... I really enjoyed the moment.. Silent is the most I need at the moment..

The morning after our kayaking activity.. so much fun!!
Picture session again while on our way back to the harbour..

Our dinner, fried spring roll..
The night at Hanoi street after the rain...
Oh! Photo session during we waiting for our train to Sapa..


Well, we did nothing much on the board.. Nothing much we can do too, sleep and eat are the only things we can do. Ya... I really happy with this trip as due to nothing much we can do on the boat so we met friends there. Have a long talk with them share experienced and cultures.. Good experienced!!

To be continue....

My Hanoi trip.... from 22-28 March 2009

On 22/03/2009

After our check-in in LCCT, its time for us to have a proper breakfast...
Yummy... we had our breakfast at Oldtown Kopitiam. After a good breakfast is time for boarding...

Well , before we left the "kopitiam" let's took a picture... say "cheeseeeeeEE"....

Come on...Look here !! Another picture captured in front of the plane..

Finallly we were in Hanoi, the man is the one who picked us from the airport.. The trip from airport to "Hello Vietnam Hotel" cost us about USD14. Well... we paid the transport because we just stayed in the hotel for a night.. If you stay more than 1 nigh then you can negotiate with the person in charge in the hotel for a transport.

This is the place where we passed by before entered our "Hello Vietnam Hotel".. The hotel cost us USD 12 per night for a twin sharing room. Well we didn't like the hotel much because it is smelly and not as clean as we expected. So we checked out on the next day....

Let's have a glance on their market.. very busy and very dirty. I can't imagine myself sitting there..but if I do, I will be like them not a big deal, after all I just want to keep my life go on.

I found something similar to our "mamak" stall, there have a lot of stalls selling drinks like the aunty in the picture, with a few small chairs then their business start.

This is our lunch in a restoran name " Little Hanoi"... Well the food on our table showed in the picture is the ingredient for the spring roll... I found that the Vietnamese do like to eat vegetables.. Most of their foods have a lot of vegetables in there.... Well.. I do like their food very much (I mean those I tried).
The most terrified incident I met in Vietnam is their traffic... Well their traffic is horrible... everyone just drive their own way. If you plan to cross the road, well... you just have to cross without stop down, of course you have to be very careful while you are crossing... The safest way for us to cross the road is we followed the local people while they were crossing as well.. Ha!!

"Every crossed road is just like our life decision, it may seem to be difficult at first but when you are at the other roadside, turned back your head, you will find that everything has been passed so easily.. "

This is Ho Chi Minh Palace Museum

I took this from the top of the military musuem. This is a place I do recommend my friends to go. To know a country and people, we must know their history. Vietnam is a country that full of the wars history..

Now only I realised the reason of Vietnamese can survive in a hard time because they are true patriotic. They are a soldier in their blood.. But I doubt can I be like them? passionate? patriotic? Well I doubt myself especially with the current situation in Malaysia.. Well you know what I meant, right ? Racial issues, complicated politic issues..
I do hope our politician know that our nation need peaceful life, our people do not have any racial problem.. Do wake up please!!!

Their barber shop...

Our dinner, grill cat-fish. Not bad quite nice...

To be continue...

Monday, February 9, 2009


“男大当婚, 女大当嫁”这句话还适合在本世纪用吗??

为什么一定要结婚呢?? 难道不能就维持这样吗?? 世俗的眼光很奇怪,当一个女人到了适婚年龄还没遇到适合的人, 人们就称呼她们为“老姑婆" ,

当女人一到了适婚年龄,身边的亲朋戚友就开始替我们操心,不是劳师动众的帮忙介绍哪家公子就是苦口婆心的劝我们眼光别太高,免得最后自己的三高= 学历高,薪金高,年龄高吓跑人家!!

天啊!! 男人没眼光也得怪我们吗? 没遇到适合自己的人就得随便吗? 不结婚就很怪吗?为了不让自己成为别人眼中的怪物就拼命的把自己往外“hardsales" , 这样的女人还有自尊吗?


说到这新年花红还真有点不好意思,过了适婚年龄的女生如果长辈分红包时,都会“有意无意”的不断提醒我们年纪不小了,希望我们可以不用再收红包,甚至有时还问我们何时可以回礼。 真的好像告诉他们:" 真不好意思你的“大恩大德”还有待我小女来世报答。”(去你xxx, 现在你到底是给不给,不给就罢,喽哩叭所得到地烦不烦?)。 拿了那红包可真是有点“为五斗米折腰”的感觉。。

其实不管男人或女人, 谁喜欢孤单的生活?有哪个人不希望另一半的出现?曾有人说:“寻找另一半就好像寻找另一边的翅膀, 如果幸运的你可以得到另一边的翅膀,你的人生就能起飞到另一个旅程。 可是寻找不到一不是不幸, 因为这世界很公平的有得必有失。。 所以别气馁!

情人节要到了, 就祝全天下的情人,情人节快乐! 没情人的朋友们,就友谊万岁!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009



































虽然再忙,但是我的心里还是有所担心。 我的担心,不只是事业,父母更是弟弟的课业。

我的事业停歇不前,想好好为事业好好的打拼, 可是好像都没什么进步。

父母一天一天的老去,我总觉得自己很没用,那么大了还是没有能力照顾他们。妈妈还得辛苦的工作, 爸爸虽然退休了, 可是我担心他的健康, 担心他没事干会造成老人痴呆, 担心他的钱不够用。。身为大姐的我不的为他们的将来担心。。

弟弟呢!! 看是长大了,可还是很孩子气。不懂节省是他最大的缺点。。看他花钱像是毫无顾虑。。 有时还满担心他的将来。。

有点替自己觉得可悲.. 可悲的是事业与爱情甚至是人生都觉得很不如意。。没钱又不美。。 开始讨厌自己。。

Monday, February 2, 2009


大家都在谈论新年后的经济, 即将非常的低迷。。。有点可怕!


新年后的经济会是如何呢??真的即期待又害怕!! 希望今天大家拜拜时, 可以多为我们的国家经济多多祈祷!! 保佑我们能顺利过关。。

Thursday, January 8, 2009


第一次和你一起看电影, 第一次和你那么的靠近,很开心!很sweet! 很想把我的双手抱着你的手臂,好想你在我冷的时候,抱一抱我!! 你总是很贴心,总是让我不只不觉跌入幻想的国度!我好想告诉你, 我在这里,你可以看一看我吗??

世界上最遥远的距离,不是你我之间的距离, 而是我在你身边, 你却不知道我喜欢你!!

每当和你在一起的时候, 我都会提醒自己,别幻想了!别期待了! 因为我会再度伤心!! 我已没勇气再闯情关了!! 我老了!! 我累了!! 一次次的期待, 一次次的伤心失望! 一次次的绝望! 曾几何时, 因为你, 我差点和好姐妹闹翻, 我告诉我自己,女人何苦为男人争风吃醋? 姐妹情深!

上天好像在开我的玩笑!总是给我希望, 然后再把我从高处推到谷底!! 是我的多情惹事吗??是我的错吗??我也好想绝情,可是我办不到!!我真的很受伤!!

求求你别再对我好了, 我很累, 很累了!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Yes Man!!。。

就在新的一年,我在倒数的时刻里,正坐在戏院里看着《Yes man!》

这是一部让我蛮深思的, 一直以来,我们总是会对一些我们不熟悉的事说不。 不肯去尝试.. 如果我们能改变说“yes” , 结局会不会是不一样的?

又还是, 在我们的工作环境,我们不管喜欢还是不喜欢,都得身不由己的对老板说“Yes"? 如果我们说“no" , 结局会不会改变呢?

还是, 一对情侣, 或许伴侣很喜欢,而自己却对那没兴趣, 但是为了讨好, 没办法只好说“yes " . 如果说“No" 结局又会如何呢??

有时,不论" yes" 或是“no" 。 我们有时都是身不由己。。 即使有权利,也得看环境。即使有环境,也得看人。。 无论如何,就还是身不由己!!

但是我还是不管喜欢或不, 我都随意的说“yes o no".。。 那就是我了!!! 哈哈哈!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009




在我眼里, 有期望, 就有希望,有的希望可能会破灭, 幸运的也可能会成真。 但每每我期望的事,都总不会实现,所以我相信一件事, 那就是没有期待, 就没有失望, 没有失望就没有伤心。。从此以后,我不再有期望,不再有期待,因为我不要再伤心。。。